Monday, January 12, 2009

Making the Connection

This morning, Daniel Norvell, a counselor at Alpha, pulled me aside and said he had someone who wanted to volunteer with Brandywine. Daniel was excited because he'd seen one of the postings on our Web site, and found just the type of person we’re looking for. He asked whether she should get in touch with me, and I said, of course! It’s always great to get word of mouth referrals of volunteers. I wish we would get more!

This got me thinking how a word of mouth referral happens. It sounds so simple, yet so few of us actually do it. In Daniel’s case, an ordinary conversation with his friend turned to the economy, how so many people were hurting and in need of help. His friend said she wished she could do something to help. So Daniel said, well, Brandywine can use your help.

Ding Ding Ding! Connection made!

It really was that simple. How many of us are having that same conversation about the economy with our friends? We all want to help. Perhaps we would do something if we just knew where and how. If we knew there was someplace that could use our own particular skills to do some good.

Just think, if all of Brandywine Counseling’s supporters seized that opportunity and put in a plug for what we need, how many connections would we make? Connections with people with computer skills, people with clothes to donate, people from the corporate world who can teach us things, you name it. People you know, who are ready and willing to help.

Could you do what Daniel did? Think about it. Where can you make the connection?

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