An online journal with pictures, video, and links. But you can do more than just read it, you can comment on it and share it with others.
Why does BCI have a blog?
To give you an inside look into the work we do! You can get updates as they happen, and interact with the staff who post and other readers.
Who is this blog for?
This blog is written for the public, clients, and staff. It’s for anyone who supports addiction treatment, recovery, and HIV prevention, in Delaware or anywhere else. It is for people in recovery, people who work in treatment programs, and people who enjoy reading success stories.
Why should I comment?
We love comments! By telling us what you think, you become part of the work we do and help us provide better service. We welcome both positive and negative comments if they are on topic and contribute to the discussion. However, we will delete comments that are either spam or simply linking to another site.
How do I comment?
Commenting is easy!
1. At the end of every post is a box that says “0 Comments,” or more if comments are already made. Click here to post your comment.
2. Type your comment in the box.
3. Choose an identity. You can use your existing Google, AIM, or similar account. If you don’t have any of these, choose Name/URL and enter your name. You can also post as Anonymous.
4. Click Preview, then make any final changes.
5. When you’re satisfied, click Publish Your Comment.
Can I comment if I’m a client?
Absolutely! We suggest that you post as Anonymous or under an alias that does not identify you. Any comment that violates a client’s confidentiality or BCI rules outlined in our handbook, will be rejected.
How do I share an interesting post with a friend?
You can email any post to a friend. At the bottom of each post, next to the comments link, is an envelope icon. Click it, enter your name, email address, and optional message, and click Send Email.
Why should I subscribe?
Our blog changes almost every day, because we post stuff as it happens! As a subscriber, you’ll be the first to know when there’s a new post. Subscribing is free and you may cancel at any time.
How do I subscribe by email?
Scroll down to the box on the right that says “Enter your email address.” Type your address and hit Subscribe.
How do I subscribe with a feed reader?
A feed reader will notify you even faster than email. It’s a free program you can download to your computer. A window will pop up to tell you whenever there’s a new post. You can subscribe to multiple blogs, add and remove them as you choose, and read them at your convenience. Bloglines is just one of many feed readers available. Go to and follow the instructions.
We are looking for aplace called the Megahn House in Georgetown and I can't find a listing for it.
Hi, the number for Meghan House is 841-3521.
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