Friday, August 29, 2008

5 Questions for James Harrison, Site Director

5 Questions is our ongoing feature where we introduce you to the people who make Brandywine Counseling run, spotlighting a different staff member every two weeks.

Name: James Harrison
Job: Site Director, Lancaster Avenue
Time with BCI: 20 years

1. How did you get started working in the addiction treatment field?
I think mine was a unique situation. I was actually finishing up a three [year] mandatory prison term, and Kay Malone and Linda DeShields came to the Plummer Center in 1988, and at the time, the American Red Cross was providing HIV education in the prison. They had a gentleman that came in, and none of the inmates would respond to him. They were rowdy, they were disruptive. And so, the warden asked me if I would co-facilitate the group. And I agreed to it. And after his first presentation, I actually took control of the presentation.

All the inmates were extremely receptive. It was like hearing it from one of their peers. And this was a time when HIV and AIDS was at truly epidemic proportion in our city, and folks were dying within five years. And so I hollered out, “Listen up, people! I have some life-saving information!” And people were quiet. People listened. And that kind of opened the door for me to start doing some prevention education, after I was released. Of course, Kay and Linda DeShields agreed to hire me after I was released, waited five months for my release, and I’ve been here ever since.

Many people would be surprised to know that I’ve actually had a 30 year history with Brandywine. So, many folks, especially newcomers, oftentimes will not realize that I’ve spent ten years on the other side of the fence. And so, I’ve seen the changes we’ve made as an agency, particularly around process improvement and access, and just being kinder and gentler to the addict. I think what folks will not realize is that ten years as a consumer embedded an advocacy in me that will never leave. And so I carry with me, day to day, having to straddle both fences. I’m still in recovery, I will say that. I can always see the client’s view clearer in my head as I’m also trying to move our agenda, and move the agency to the next level. So when you first look at me, you don’t see the old James, and so that’s the piece that I carry with my job that many folks don’t know about.

2. What changes have you seen in your 30 years with BCI?
Part of what I’ve seen is a growing trend, that we’re seeing a younger, sicker population. And I look at all of the old-timers, for loss of a better analogy. They are the dying breed. I recall one consumer I saw yesterday, who has been with Brandywine [for] a 30 year history, is actually wheelchair bound, and blind. And that same person, I used drugs with, I hustled with, I participated in drug addict behavior with. And now this person is barely struggling to survive.

And I see on the other spectrum, young white females and young black males chronically addicted to opiates, but now struggling with HIV, mental illness, and addictions. And I think the most obvious change has been the severity of folks’ addictions and their problems, coupled with the social ills as well: increased gas prices, food, housing shortage. All those other issues, where I think years ago, folks could make it off of a year’s income of about $12,000, but now, that’s starving. And so, couple that with addiction that’s more severe in its nature, we’re seeing sicker and more violent individuals as well.

3. BCI was in the news last week because of the challenge of reaching black drug users with the needle exchange. What do you think it will take for this population to access these services?
There was a workshop I went to, years ago, that addressed this very issue. The name of it was, “Beyond Tuskegee.” And if you remember the Tuskegee experiments, blacks historically had a fear of public health systems, and the whole notion that, “This is suspect, in terms of, the government has its hands on it, and that law enforcement may use this as a vehicle to further disenfranchise us.” So getting beyond Tuskegee would say that, “No, this is not true. There’s not a great conspiracy theory around accessing needle exchange, or providing services in an outreach effort.”

I think we have to build a comfort zone for African Americans. It’s like, if they see me drink the water, then the water’s okay. But until they see it and watch me be okay, many times they won’t access. So I think the most valuable tool we’re going to have is our African American peers who currently work on the [needle exchange] van. For [drug users] to see, again for loss of a better analogy, that they too have drunk the water and the water’s okay. So there’s got to be a comfort level in saying, “You know what? Needle exchange is a good thing. It saves lives, it’s not connected to law enforcement, it’s not some sort of drug inside the syringes.” The belief that it is a good thing has to be kind of penetrated throughout the community.

And accessibility -- going into what we call the “red light district” of the city of Wilmington is challenging, especially with all the shootings. I don’t know if African Americans are truly the population who are now injecting at an alarming rate. Certainly we do have some folks injecting, but I also believe that this is a dying population as well. And more people, because of drugs being purer, are smoking and sniffing. And so, there may not be as great a need for syringes as we first thought. So I think a collective kind of effort with our Senator Margaret Rose Henry, who’s birthed this project, our community leaders, our naysayers, our people who advocate for this population, we all have to collectively come up with a strategy to keep pushing the message that the water’s okay.

4. You can tell a lot about a person from their office. Tell us what you have in your office.
My office is very eclectic. I sometimes am embarrassed about it! But I have jazz artwork here. I have New Orleans. The Nanticoke Indians, which never really got recognized during Mardi Gras, but they too decorated, and had the same kind of celebration, but never recognized. But then I also have one section that’s dedicated to family. I have pictures of my son who graduated from Villanova. I also have a collection of articles of the work we’ve done here at Brandywine, the projects where I grew up in as a kid, and articles saying, “A $10 bag of heroin approximate to the 95 exit [for] sale,” “Fewer resources spent on prevention,” and then one of Basha [Silverman] and a syringe-filled shooting gallery, which reminds me of the work that we do. And that’s in addition to the Comprehensive Accreditation Manual from Joint Commission, books around licensure, and policy and procedure manuals.

But I also have a snake to unclog many of the restrooms, and a quart of oil for some of our vehicles. And so, you can find anything from a light bulb to the 2007-2008 Delaware Psychiatric Residency program’s pictures, of which I’m also a part, doing some training with the residency. So I like to think of it as eclectic. I think there’s times when it’s more orderly than others, especially when visitors are around, but for the most part, it really depicts my work here at Brandywine. One minute I might be the janitor, one minute I am the clinical supervisor, the next minute I’m an administrative person, the next minute I am a client advocate. So it really depicts the changing roles I play.

I just recently described my job here at Brandywine to someone, and I said, “I can’t call it work, because it’s something I like to do.” Now, it just so happens I get paid for it, but even [in] absence of money, I would still be doing this type of work. So while the paycheck helps with the mortgage and the car payment and travel, absent of that I would still be doing the same thing I’m doing. So I’m fortunate and blessed that I can come and do something I was going to do anyway for the rest of my life, but get a paycheck for it.

5. If you had $30,000 to donate to BCI what would you do with it?
I think I would go to a learning institution and ask that we start a program specifically for addictions counselors to grow the work field. The major challenge is a workforce that’s declining. [BCI senior staff] will be leaving in a few years. We have a younger workforce, that I think for the most part, is not prepared for the challenges of a more sophisticated system, in terms of licensure, accreditation, and just maintaining a quality level of services.

So I would go to a Lincoln University, a Del State, or University of Delaware, and say, let’s have a name for a program specifically to grow the field. So I think that’s what I would do. While another clinic would be nice, a transitional house for recovering people would be nice, but I think if we don’t grow the field, we’re going to miss the opportunity to help people get better.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Daily Message 8/27/08

Look for the grace and dignity, that can be found in growing older. It is after all, a privilege that is denied to many.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Volunteers Needed to Help with Recovery Picnic


When: Thursday, September 18, 11 AM - 3 PM
Where: Alpha North Wilmington Center, at the Edgemoor Community Center, 500 Duncan Road, Wilmington

Recovery Month 2008 is just around the corner, and Brandywine Counseling is celebrating with a Picnic and Open House at our new North Wilmington Center. We are planning a fun celebration including a kids’ moon bounce, senior citizens’ bake off contest, fishing tank, face painting, mascots, raffle, and crafts table. We need your help the day of the event to set up, supervise activities, and clean up.

Recovery Month is an annual observance that takes place during the month of September to highlight the societal benefits of treatment, celebrate treatment providers, and promote the message that recovery from substance abuse in all its forms is possible. This year's theme is Real People, Real Recovery.

Daily Message 8/26/08

The words of men, can be used as powerful, productive tools. The words of men, can be used as powerful, destructive weapons. You can build someone up or you can cut them down. When you speak up, make sure it's not something you will regret. Often your own sense of honor...can be directly connected to your tongue.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Volunteer Spotlight: Loretta Legg, Alpha North Wilmington

Lorretta Legg has been volunteering with Brandywine Counseling for several months. She has been a valuable addition to our North Wilmington Center. In our latest volunteer spotlight, Loretta tells us about her experience in her own words:

I was a client, so I already knew about BCI and what it had to offer. I talked to Monalee about volunteering. I asked her if she needed help, and she said, "Yes."

Currently, I'm working on helping with putting together the BCI Recovery Picnic and Grand Re-Opening of the North Wilmington Office. I then helped with updating the North Wilmington Safety Emergency Policies and Procedures Manual. Our next project is to develop a proposal for two working Community Gardens inside the Edgemoor Community Center and around the North Wilmington Office.

I'm getting to understand a lot more than what just my addiction was like, and learning how to handle the different addictions by helping others. When you do a Meet & Greet with a client, it is easier to answer questions about BCI for clients when you have already been through the process. We had a client come in who asked, "Do we have to talk in group?" I remember when I was nervous about having to come and share in group, so I understood exactly how he felt and I was able to assure him about participating in groups.

I think Monalee and I have the same demeanor. I like working with her. We get along well. I've worked in an office before, so what I am asked to do I feel comfortable with doing because of my prior work experience.

It's a good feeling. I don't mind helping out anybody, because if I help they will give it back in the end. I think I get that from my dad.

Daily Message 8/25/08

Once you figure, out that you can't "change" or be in "charge", of someone else's behavior...You understand that no one else can be in "control" of you or your behavior.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Lighthouse Program Wish List

The Lighthouse residential program for women and children is in need of the following items:

1. Pampers, Pampers, Pampers
2. Wagons
3. Photo frames and albums for children's pictures
4. Exercise DVD's for moms
5. Sheets, comforters, and pillows for twin beds/blankets --some for adults, some for kids
6. Yard work supplies for gardening/landscaping (little garden tools, shovel, weed wacker)
7. Single strollers
8. Clothes for children of all ages
9. Clothes for women: robes, panties, bras and socks, pajama's
10. Tupperware, pots/pans, dishes, cups
11. Jump drives to store computer work like resumes, meeting schedules
12. School supplies
13. Birthday or holiday presents and party supplies
14. Clock radios
15. Haircut gift certificates
16. For our re-entry house for women nearing completion of treatment and transitioning to their own housing: Furniture, sheets, comforters, artwork, towels. You can adopt and decorate a room in this 4 bedroom house.

If you have items to donate, please call (302) 424-8080 or e-mail us at contactbci[at]brandywinecounseling[dot]org. Thank you!

Daily Message 8/22/08

"Growing and changing"... Often means "outgrowing" ... certain people, places & things. It's difficult to let go, when your heart is involved. It can be done...if first we find "self love".

Thursday, August 21, 2008

"How Do I Comment?" And Other Questions About The BCI Blog

What is a blog?
An online journal with pictures, video, and links. But you can do more than just read it, you can comment on it and share it with others.

Why does BCI have a blog?
To give you an inside look into the work we do! You can get updates as they happen, and interact with the staff who post and other readers.

Who is this blog for?
This blog is written for the public, clients, and staff. It’s for anyone who supports addiction treatment, recovery, and HIV prevention, in Delaware or anywhere else. It is for people in recovery, people who work in treatment programs, and people who enjoy reading success stories.

Why should I comment?
We love comments! By telling us what you think, you become part of the work we do and help us provide better service. We welcome both positive and negative comments if they are on topic and contribute to the discussion. However, we will delete comments that are either spam or simply linking to another site.

How do I comment?
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Can I comment if I’m a client?
Absolutely! We suggest that you post as Anonymous or under an alias that does not identify you. Any comment that violates a client’s confidentiality or BCI rules outlined in our handbook, will be rejected.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Photos From the Keepin' It Real Block Party

On Saturday August 9, 2008, the BCI Outreach Team created a fun and enjoyable block party atmosphere to motivate our community members to consider the importance of their health and their individual HIV status. Free rapid HIV testing was provided along with information tables, a DJ, educational games, free food and give-a-ways.

Click here to view our album of photos from a fun event for a good cause.

Daily Message 8/20/08

Dear God, We ask that you never let us lose sight, of where we have been...Reminding us to live in today...and to keep the focus on where we plan to go.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mark Your Recovery Month Calendar

Recovery Month 2008 is just around the corner, and BCI is celebrating with several upcoming events, so mark your calendar and make plans to join us! This year's theme is Real People, Real Recovery.

On Thursday, September 18, from 12 Noon to 2 PM, there will be a Picnic & Open House at Alpha North Wilmington. Join us to celebrate recovery at our brand new location at the Edgemoor Community Center. Fabulous people! Good fellowship! Great food! Parents encouraged to bring children. The location is 500 Duncan Road, Suite 144, Wilmington, DE 19809.

On Friday, September 19, from 10 AM to 2 PM, is our 2008 Recovery Month Softball Tournament in Georgetown. The tournament will be held at Sports At The Beach located on Route 9 in Georgetown. It will be a day of games, food, friends, and sober fun. We are inviting treatment staff, clients, friends, and family to form teams of 9. All equipment will be provided but feel free to bring your own. If you would like to participate, please contact Krystal at 302-856-4700. Let's Play Ball!

We also wanted to pass along an event from our friends at the 1212 Club.

On Saturday, September 6 from 12 Noon to 6 PM, the 1212 Club will hold the Real People, Real Recovery Community Enrichment Day. This day will be filled with speakers from differeent treatment facilities along with people from recovery groups and 12 step programs. There will also be a presentation conducted by the 1212 Board of Trustees, Recovery Coach Team, and Members. Lunch will be a barbeque from 2 PM until 3 PM. The location is the 1212 Corporation, 2700 Washington Street, Wilmington DE 19802. For further information or to have your facility participate in this event, feel free to call Stephen Burns at 275-1142 or Ethel King at 345-8176.

Daily Message 8/19/08

I find it interesting that God says "Thy, will be done"...yet we really believe and convince ourselves that it's "Our, will be done". Let go, let God and watch the miracles that can happen.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Most At Risk Are The Hardest To Reach

The News Journal details the extent of our challenge in reaching a hidden and mistrustful population with the needle exchange. Though blacks remain hesitant to access the services, it's important to note our successes and how far we've come.

Before Wilmington got a needle-exchange program of its own, some addicts went to Philadelphia to get clean syringes from the exchange program there. In addition to needles, they brought back stories about police harassment near the vans that distribute them.

Those experiences make it hard to trust the Wilmington program, even though the relationship between its workers and police here has gone better than anyone could have expected, officials say.


"It's a fact that a needle-exchange program cannot reach the people it's trying to if there is not cooperation from the police department," Silverman said. "The cooperation we've had here has been outstanding. They're not using our vans as a mouse trap. No one has been arrested near the vans and no one has been followed and arrested down the block."


The program has exceeded its goals for clients and getting people into drug treatment centers.

And we have new strategies to reach those most at risk.

Silverman said she is formulating a plan, which she hopes to implement in the fall, that would get the program's current clients to go to shooting galleries and drug houses to recruit new members.

"Our team of workers are former addicts, former sex workers or have some connection to the communities we serve, but there are still places we can't go," she said.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Daily Message 8/15/08

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Right!!! If you stay out of the kitchen, you'll starve. Some things in life, are a matter of adjustment. So turn down the heat and never bring yourself to a boil.

5 Questions for You, The Reader

5 Questions is taking a break this week. For nearly a year, we've brought you twenty conversations with different Brandywine Counseling staff members, in their own words. (Only 140 to go!) That makes it a good time to ask you for feedback about this feature.

1. What was your favorite interview?
2. Which interview taught you something you didn’t know?
3. Whose interview would you most want to share with others?
4. What questions would you ask that we haven’t asked?
5. Who would you like to see interviewed?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Volunteer Spotlight: Walter Frazier, Outreach Support

Walter Frazier came to Brandywine Counseling as a volunteer with the Outreach Department in July 2008, and quickly became someone we could depend on to help out. In the first of a series of volunteer spotlights, Walter tells us about his experience in his own words:

I relocated to Wilmington a few months ago and decided that while I am seeking full-time employment I would volunteer at a non-profit agency. I learned about BCI by word of mouth and called to see if my skills might be needed.

In the past 10 years I have served on Boards and committees and even worked for the American Red Cross for 3 years as a program director in Bloomington, Indiana. These experiences have given me the opportunity to learn how important the work of non-profits is to a community.

Just based on the name, I assumed this organization most likely provided substance abuse counseling. Although this counseling is part of Brandywine’s activities, I had no clue there was an outreach department that provides free HIV testing and treatment if necessary, nor did I know of the methadone program for heroin users.

I have spent my time raising funds for the annual HIV Testing Event, which is held this year on August 9. I have found this project to be very fulfilling and relevant to me since I have lost 3 close friends to this wretched disease.

I have been surprised by how BCI approaches its endeavors. BCI provides its professional services without prejudice and blame. I have seen how quickly BCI drops everything when a client walks through the door for help. It has been inspiring.

What I have done while volunteering is very small compared to the activities of the whole organization. I feel gratified thinking one person might be tested for HIV, receive early intervention and live a longer life as a result of my efforts.

Daily Message 8/14/08

CHOICES-OPTIONS-ALTERNATIVES-DECISIONS...All yours...unless you give them away. Don't let others...Make up "your" mind.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Daily Message 8/12/08

We can't "have" everything at once...Anymore than we can "do" everything at once. With focus and perseverance, we can achieve one thing at a time.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Outreach Workers Become Visible

From, some video of our outreach team in action as they prepared for last Saturday's educational block party.

Daily Message 8/11/08

Dear Lord, Help us to re-group and re-focus, when things don't go the way we planned. To see that all is not lost. That through your love, we can overcome anything and we can rise above.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Daily Message 8/8/08

Yesterday, someone said to me " people have stopped working toward something and they just work. It's like we have all forgotten why we work. Focus on what you are working toward. Set achievable goals. Ask God to remind you of past accomplishments and to guide you toward new ones.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Daily Message 8/7/08

There are "reasons, explanations and excuses". Which do you use? More importantly...What makes, one different from another?

This Saturday - 1st Annual Keepin' It Real Block Party

1st Annual Keepin' It Real Block Party
Saturday, August 9, 2008
3 PM - 7 PM
L.A.C.C. (Latin American Community Center) Parking Lot
4th and Van Buren Streets, Wilmington

This Saturday is our 1st Annual Keepin' It Real Block Party event! We invite you to join us and have a good time.

The purpose of this event is to raise awareness, educate, and motivate people to get screened for HIV. We are targeting the adult community members who reside in the Hilltop/Westside neighborhoods in the 19805 zip code. We will be providing Free and Rapid HIV testing, Free Food, Games, Prizes, Gifts, and activities for the kids. Please consider joining us to spread an important message and create a fun and enjoyable atmosphere that will motivate our community members to consider the importance of their health and their individual HIV status.

Don't forget, this HIV Awareness event will feature information tables, a DJ, educational games, free food and give-a-ways! This is an excellent opportunity for your agency to promote its mission and services. Be sure to invite your co-workers, clients, family and friends!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Daily Message 8/6/08

We are entitled to our own mistakes and hopefully, we learn from the. Experience, knowledge and remembrance, are often the greatest deterrents.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Subscribe by Email

Readers, we've added a new way for you to stay informed about all that's going on at BCI. Subscribe to our blog by email, and get our posts delivered to your inbox! Scroll down to the box on the right that says "Enter your email address," or click here. It's that easy.

Of course, you can still subscribe with a feed reader like Bloglines if you want to be the first to know when there's a new post. It's even faster than email and just as easy to set up. Or, if subscribing isn't your thing, stop by this page whenever you feel like checking in. At BCI, we're all about giving you options.

Daily Message 8/5/08

Dear God, we ask for your guidance each day. Show us the way to live through your grace. To find gratitude for all of the glory you bring to our lives, that we overlook.

Monday, August 4, 2008

New AIDS Infection Estimate Is A "Wake-Up Call"

About 55,000 Americans are infected with HIV each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This number had been thought to be 40,000 a year, until a new, more accurate blood test was introduced. The new test can tell how long ago an infection occurred.

The CDC report also found that HIV infections are falling among injection drug users. Some experts are giving the credit to prevention efforts including syringe exchange, while at the same time calling for additional funding to expand them. Many populations continue to be at high risk, including gay and bisexual men, those under 30, and African Americans.

Whether more funding comes or not, the revised estimate clearly is a "wake-up call to scale things up," said Dr. Kevin Fenton, who oversees CDC's prevention efforts for HIV/AIDS.

For more information, see:
The full article
CDC HIV Fact Sheets

Friday, August 1, 2008

5 Questions for Dianna Dorsey, Outreach Worker

5 Questions is our ongoing feature where we introduce you to the people who make Brandywine Counseling run, spotlighting a different staff member every two weeks.

Name: Dianna Dorsey
Job: Outreach Worker, HIV Prevention and Needle Exchange
Time with BCI: 5 years

1. What is your job at BCI?
I work in the Outreach Department as an HIV Prevention Specialist, and the NEP program. And what we do is, we go out in the community, and pass out condoms, educate individuals on the street about HIV, the spread of HIV and Hep C, and different STDs. We also try to get them to come and do an HIV test, and let them know how important it is to learn their status. A typical workday is being out on the streets, going all across town, educating them, just letting them know how important HIV is, and how important it is to not to be sharing your works.

And the needle exchange, we have the van, and the clients come out and exchange their dirty syringes for clean ones to prevent the spread of HIV and prevent sharing. So when we’re in the community and we’re doing our outreach, that’s another target. We go and hand out flyers, and let them know we have the needle exchange, and we’re also doing HIV testing out on the street at this location and this time, and different locations that we have throughout the week.

2. What got you interested in doing this kind of work?
I actually had family members who went through the struggle of addiction. And just seeing them inspired me to understand addiction, to find out the triggers, and everything that comes along with that. So that was my main reason. As far as working with HIV, I just wanted to be more educated about it. And once I got the proper education, I just fell in love with it, and that’s my goal. I love what I do.

3. What is your biggest challenge in doing your job?
My biggest challenge is not having [clients] come through, as far as getting tested. Or, on the streets, trying to really really really educate these people out there, and they’re still saying no. So, we have to come from different angles at times, and that’s a challenge. Because you have some people that are out there that say, “Well, I don’t want to get tested.”

“Well, have you ever been tested?”


“Tell us the reason you don’t want to be tested.”

“I don’t.”

“Do you understand the importance of being tested?”

So, when they tell us no, they don’t want to be tested, that’s a very big challenge to me, because I’m not accomplishing what I’m out here to do.

4. What would people be surprised to know about your work?
I think they would be surprised to know that I really care. And caring for the individuals on the streets, that’s a plus. That’s number one. Because if you’re in this addiction - and you have individuals that are out there that don’t have loved ones – [and] you really show them that you’re there, and that you’re supporting them regardless of what decisions they make, I think that surprises them a lot also. Because if you just go out and say, “Here, take this condom,” or, “Come to the exchange,” they’re going to feel some type of way about that, because they’re not feeling the love at all from us. So in order for us to engage with these clients, we have to show them that we care. We have to show them that we love them, and I think that surprises a lot of them.

5. What advice do you have for someone who would like to do the job you do?
Come with it with your heart. Don’t just do it for a paycheck, have it in your heart that this is what you want to do.

Daily Message 8/1/08

"Turning a new leaf" sounds pretty easy, unless you leave the tree attached..."as so many of us do".