Monday, January 3, 2011

News Journal: Social Workers Gather Delaware Prostitutes' Stories

BCCS' outreach work with prostitutes was highlighted in yesterday's News Journal.

Prevention program director Basha Silverman discusses what we hope to gain by collecting data:
"We need to find out how many are the victims of sexual violence, how many need drug treatment and how many rely on sex work because they can't find other employment."
"Are we going to eradicate prostitution 100 percent? Probably not. I don't think we are going to create a magic bullet or pill to eradicate prostitution and that's not what we're claiming to do. But I think we're going to be able to reduce the reliance on sex work."

And outreach worker Rochelle Booker talks about her late night work in dangerous neighborhoods:
"Everyone judges them. Drugs have taken over their lives and they have no hope and they have no life and any dreams or self-esteem that they have is all shot. But deep down inside, all those women are some good women. They're somebody's mother, somebody's daughter, somebody's wife. ... I'm trying to help somebody."
Read the full article here, and see a video interview with the outreach workers below.

Photo: The News Journal/WILLIAM BRETZGER

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