Thursday, February 8, 2007

New HBO Film Explores ADDICTION

I got an e-mail today about HBO's upcoming Addiction Project. This is the first I've heard about it but it looks very interesting. The project is supported by Join Together, Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA), and Faces & Voices of Recovery. It's being called "a groundbreaking multi-media campaign to help Americans understand addiction as a treatable brain disease, spotlight new treatment advancements, and provide hope for long-term recovery."

Here's more information from their Tell a Friend page:

Dear Friend,
HBO's groundbreaking series, ADDICTION, premieres March 15 - 18. ADDICTION tells the stories behind substance use, explores new advancements being made in addiction research, and it introduces new and effective treatments.

Find out more about ADDICTION:

Once there, you will find a full broadcast schedule, special events in your community, opportunities to host your own house party to watch the show, and other ways to get involved and help spread the word about ADDICTION's message of hope for treatment and recovery.

The series premiere, during a free HBO preview weekend March 15-18, marks an historic opportunity to raise public awareness and spread hope to those suffering from alcohol and drug addiction - and to those who love them.

Can I count on you? Find out more now at:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds like it is going to be a great film, BCI should get some events together surrounding the release of the film to promote addiction treatment!