Thursday, April 25, 2013

BCCS Is Smoke Free!

As you are well aware by now, Brandywine Counseling & Community Services became a smoke free campus on April 1, 2013. This is a big initiative for BCCS that may be difficult for some people to adjust to, but we believe that it will ultimately lead us to becoming a healthier organization.

Quitting smoking in theory seems like an easy decision. Making a choice to increase your health, lifespan, and finances seems like an obvious choice, but breaking a nicotine addiction is a very difficult task.  Know that it is possible, but may not be easy.

To help make quitting a little easier, the state of Delaware has a “Quitline” to help adults in the state who want to quit smoking. DE Residents age 18 and older can call toll-free 1-866-409-1858 to take advantage of this powerful tool that provides assistance and support for smokers who are ready to kick the habit.  Trained tobacco specialists staffing the Quitline will assess your needs and explore your best options.

Services include:
  • Motivational support by phone from a Quitline specialist; or face-to-face counseling by a 
  • trained local counselor.
  • Follow-up support.
  • Quit-smoking guidebook, “You Can Quit Smoking. We’ll Teach You How.”
  • Information about quitting, even if you’re not yet ready to try.
  • For eligible low-income callers, vouchers to purchase stop-smoking aids such as nicotine patches or gum.
This is a great resource for BCCS staff and clients to start a healthier new life, free from dependence on tobacco! I hope that you reach out and take advantage of this valuable service to kick-start becoming a healthier you.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month

April is Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month. In honor of this month and in an effort to keep kids safe, BCCS is planning to host a variety of events throughout the month, which will help to raise awareness about child abuse and prevention. This is an opportunity for BCCS to educate our staff and clients about the dangers of child abuse and the benefits of prevention and education, as well as providing an opportunity for us to come together to raise awareness in our state.

There is a significant need to raise awareness and educate our staff and clients about the seriousness of child abuse.  According to 2011 research by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, every year 3.3 million reports of child abuse are made in the United States involving nearly 6 million children.  Child abuse statistics in the United States are frightening – with reports stating that we lose five children every day due to abuse-related deaths.  Additionally, children whose parents abuse alcohol and other drugs are three times more likely to be abused and more than four times more likely to be neglected than children from non-abusing families.

Child Abuse Awareness Schedule
April 9th – Kickoff
Staff will be in the dispensing area and the lobby to hand out resources including bookmarks, ribbons, and tattoos and inform clients about activities that will take place throughout the month.

April 16th - Recovery for Resiliency
Clients will have access to items to pamper themselves and have a day of relaxation.  This will include meditation and yoga led by our staff that specialize in those areas.  These activities will take place in the IOP room and are open to all staff and clients.  

  9:00- 9:20  Meditation with Mike
  9:30- 9:50  Yoga with Donna
10:00- 10:20 Meditation with Mike
10:30-10:50  Yoga with Donna
11:00-11:20  Meditation with Mike
11:30-11:50  Yoga with Donna

April 23rd- WORKSHOP
Community Educators and Advocates and a number of agencies will come to present information to staff and clients on child abuse.  They will also educate us on the service available to youth and their families. All workshops will take place in the IOP room. 

9:00- 9:40   Child Inc                              Positive coping skills, dealing w/ difficult children
10:00-10:40  Crossroads                       Preventing learned behavior and substance abuse
11:00- 11:40 Prevent Child Abuse         Prevention and Education
12:00- 12:40  Child Mental Health          Connection to services

April 30th - WRAP UP
Luncheon and arts and crafts activities will be held. Several of our generous staff members have offered their time to do art projects with our clients and their children.